A new lost generation?

The lost generation typically refers to the demographic cohort that reached early adulthood during World War I, and preceded the Greatest Generation. As I walk around this beautiful world of ours I notice everyone doing the same thing…..looking down…..at their screens. They even do it while driving….this makes me mad but nonetheless it’s happening everywhere. … Read more

Feelings or Data

Sometimes human beings make decisions based on feelings and ethical concerns rather than data. This feelings based approach to decision making seems almost unnatural to certain people. Certain minds feel that weighing our decisions based on cold hard facts (DATA) is the only CORRECT way forward. Often times when humans make decisions based on feelings … Read more

The AI.

Listen it’s here people. Whether you know it OR NOT. By the day companies are starting to utilize A.I. (ML, AI, W/E Else we can make up…) in products that make us who we are….lol SRSLY. Our TV’s, Phones, Computers, Media Feeds, MUSIC Feeds are all being monitored and adjusted accordingly to bring more value … Read more