
Every interaction anywhere…I MEAN ANYWHERE… a chance to show love. Even if you are fighting a gas pump, just trying to be calm, cool, and collected goes a LONG way as a demonstration of love to other human beings.

A new lost generation?

The lost generation typically refers to the demographic cohort that reached early adulthood during World War I, and preceded the Greatest Generation. As I walk around this beautiful world of ours I notice everyone doing the same thing…..looking down… their screens. They even do it while driving….this makes me mad but nonetheless it’s happening everywhere. … Read more

Hey everyone

I want to share something. I’ve been diagnosed with Complex PTSD that’s affected me for a long time. Seeking help has been life-changing. If you’re struggling, please reach out for support. It’s okay to ask for help. You’re not alone in this. Take care,Nick

Ten Ass City (Tenacity)

The ability of someone who isn’t quite sure of an exact fact to firmly grasp a concept beyond their knowledge base. LOL. I recently had the pleasure to work on a NON Computer, Networking issue and it was an enlightening experience. The biggest take away I have is that if you really, I mean really … Read more